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What is different between web server and application server?
web server
responsibility is to handler HTTP requests from client browsers and respond
with HTML response. A web server understands HTTP language and runs on HTTP
Apache Web Server is kind of a web server and then we have specific containers that can execute servlets and JSPs known as servlet container, for example Tomcat.
Application Servers provide additional features such as Enterprise JavaBeans support, JMS Messaging support, Transaction Management etc. So we can say that Application server is a web server with additional functionalities to help developers with enterprise applications.
Apache Web Server is kind of a web server and then we have specific containers that can execute servlets and JSPs known as servlet container, for example Tomcat.
Application Servers provide additional features such as Enterprise JavaBeans support, JMS Messaging support, Transaction Management etc. So we can say that Application server is a web server with additional functionalities to help developers with enterprise applications.
HTTP method
is said to be idempotent if it returns the same result every time. HTTP methods
GET, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, and OPTIONS are idempotent method and we should
implement our application to make sure these methods always return same result.
HTTP method POST is non-idempotent method and we should use post method when
implementing something that changes with every request.
For example, to access an HTML page or image, we
should use GET because it will always return the same object but if we have to
save customer information to database, we should use POST method. Idempotent
methods are also known as safe methods and we don’t care about the repetitive
request from the client for safe methods.
§ GET is a safe method
(idempotent) where POST is non-idempotent method.
§ We can send limited data
with GET method and it’s sent in the header request URL whereas we can send
large amount of data with POST because it’s part of the body.
§ GET method is not secure
because data is exposed in the URL and we can easily bookmark it and send
similar request again, POST is secure because data is sent in request body and
we can’t bookmark it.
§ GET is the default HTTP
method whereas we need to specify method as POST to send request with POST
§ Hyperlinks in a page uses
GET method.
The “Content-Type” response header is known as MIME
Type. Server sends MIME type to client to let them know the kind of data it’s
sending. It helps client in rendering the data for user. Some of the mostly
used mime types are text/html, text/xml, application/xml etc.
We can use ServletContext getMimeType() method to
get the correct MIME type of the file and use it to set the response content
type. It’s very useful in downloading file through servlet from server.
Web Applications are modules that run on server to
provide both static and dynamic content to the client browser. Apache web
server supports PHP and we can create web application using PHP. Java provides
web application support through Servlets and JSPs that can run in a servlet container
and provide dynamic content to client browser.
Java Web Applications are packaged as Web Archive
(WAR) and it has a defined structure like below image.
Java Servlet is server side technologies to extend
the capability of web servers by providing support for dynamic response and
data persistence.
The javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http packages
provide interfaces and classes for writing our own servlets.
All servlets must implement the javax.servlet.Servlet interface, which defines servlet lifecycle methods. When implementing a generic service, we can extend the GenericServlet class provided with the Java Servlet API. The HttpServlet class provides methods, such as doGet() and doPost(), for handling HTTP-specific services.
All servlets must implement the javax.servlet.Servlet interface, which defines servlet lifecycle methods. When implementing a generic service, we can extend the GenericServlet class provided with the Java Servlet API. The HttpServlet class provides methods, such as doGet() and doPost(), for handling HTTP-specific services.
Most of the times, web applications are accessed
using HTTP protocol and thats why we mostly extend HttpServlet class. Servlet
API hierarchy is shown in below image.
Servlet technology was introduced to overcome the
shortcomings of CGI technology.
§ Servlets provide better
performance that CGI in terms of processing time, memory utilization because
servlets uses benefits of multithreading and for each request a new thread is
created, that is faster than loading creating new Object for each request with
§ Servlets and platform and
system independent, the web application developed with Servlet can be run on
any standard web container such as Tomcat, JBoss, Glassfish servers and on
operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Unix, Solaris, Mac etc.
§ Servlets are robust because
container takes care of life cycle of servlet and we don’t need to worry about
memory leaks, security, garbage collection etc.
§ Servlets are maintainable
and learning curve is small because all we need to take care is business logic
for our application.
8. What are common tasks
performed by Servlet Container?
Servlet containers are also known as web container,
for example Tomcat. Some of the important tasks of servlet container are:
§ Communication
Support: Servlet
Container provides easy way of communication between web client (Browsers) and
the servlets and JSPs. Because of container, we don’t need to build a server
socket to listen for any request from web client, parse the request and
generate response. All these important and complex tasks are done by container
and all we need to focus is on business logic for the applications.
§ Lifecycle and
Resource Management: Servlet
Container takes care of managing the life cycle of servlet. From the loading of
servlets into memory, initializing servlets, invoking servlet methods and to
destroy them. Container also provides utility like JNDI for resource pooling
and management.
§ Multithreading
Support: Container
creates new thread for every request to the servlet and provide them request
and response objects to process. So servlets are not initialized for each
request and saves time and memory.
§ JSP Support: JSPs doesn’t look like
normal java classes but every JSP in the application is compiled by container
and converted to Servlet and then container manages them like other servlets.
§ Miscellaneous
Task: Servlet
container manages the resource pool, perform memory optimizations, execute
garbage collector, provides security configurations, support for multiple
applications, hot deployment and several other tasks behind the scene that
makes a developer life easier.
javax.servlet.ServletConfig is used to pass
configuration information to Servlet. Every servlet has it’s own ServletConfigobject and servlet
container is responsible for instantiating this object. We can provide servlet
init parameters in web.xml file or through use of WebInitParam annotation. We
can use getServletConfig() method to get the ServletConfig object of the
javax.servlet.ServletContext interface provides access
to web application parameters to the servlet. The ServletContext is unique
object and available to all the servlets in the web application. When we want
some init parameters to be available to multiple or all of the servlets in the
web application, we can use ServletContext object and define parameters in
web.xml using <context-param> element. We can get the ServletContext
object via the getServletContext() method of ServletConfig.
Servlet containers may also provide context objects that are unique to a group
of servlets and which is tied to a specific portion of the URL path namespace
of the host.
ServletContext is enhanced in Servlet Specs 3 to
introduce methods through which we can programmatically add Listeners and
Filters and Servlet to the application. It also provides some utility methods
such as getMimeType(), getResourceAsStream() etc.
Some of the differences between ServletConfig and ServletContext
§ ServletConfig is a unique
object per servlet whereas ServletContext is a unique object for complete
§ ServletConfig is used to
provide init parameters to the servlet whereas ServletContext is used to
provide application level init parameters that all other servlets can use.
§ We can’t set attributes in
ServletConfig object whereas we can set attributes in ServletContext that other
servlets can use in their implementation.
RequestDispatcher interface is used to forward the
request to another resource that can be HTML, JSP or another servlet in same
application. We can also use this to include the content of another resource to
the response. This interface is used for inter-servlet communication in the same
There are two methods defined in this interface:
forward(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) – forwards the
request from a servlet to another resource (servlet, JSP file, or HTML file) on
the server.
include(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) – includes the
content of a resource (servlet, JSP page, HTML file) in the response.
We can get RequestDispatcher in a servlet using
ServletContext getRequestDispatcher(String path) method. The path must begin
with a / and is interpreted as relative to the current context root.
PrintWriter is a character-stream class whereas
ServletOutputStream is a byte-stream class. We can use PrintWriter to write
character based information such as character array and String to the response
whereas we can use ServletOutputStream to write byte array data to the
We can use ServletResponse getWriter() to get the
PrintWriter instance whereas we can use ServletResponse getOutputStream()
method to get the ServletOutputStream object reference.
We can’t get
instances of both PrintWriter and ServletOutputStream in a single servlet
method, if we invoke both the methods; getWriter() and getOutputStream() on
response; we will get java.lang.IllegalStateException at runtime with message as
other method has already been called for this response.
We can create deadlock in servlet by making a loop
of method invocation, just call doPost() method from doGet() method and doGet()
method to doPost() method to create deadlock situation in servlet.
Servlet HTTP
API provides two wrapper classes – HttpServletRequestWrapper and HttpServletResponseWrapper. These wrapper classes are
provided to help developers with custom implementation of servlet request and
response types. We can extend these classes and override only specific methods
we need to implement for custom request and response objects. These classes are
not used in normal servlet programming.
SingleThreadModel interface was provided for thread
safety and it guarantees that no two threads will execute concurrently in the
servlet’s service method. However SingleThreadModel does not solve all thread
safety issues. For example, session attributes and static variables can still
be accessed by multiple requests on multiple threads at the same time, even
when SingleThreadModel servlets are used. Also it takes out all the benefits of
multithreading support of servlets, thats why this interface is Deprecated in
Servlet 2.4.
When servlet container receives client request, it
invokes the service() method which in turn invokes the doGet(), doPost()
methods based on the HTTP method of request. I don’t see any use case where we
would like to override service() method. The whole purpose of service() method
is to forward to request to corresponding HTTP method implementations. If we
have to do some pre-processing of request, we can always use servlet filters
and listeners.
We can define a constructor for servlet but I don’t
think its of any use because we won’t be having access to the ServletConfig
object until unless servlet is initialized by container. Ideally if we have to
initialize any resource for servlet, we should override init() method where we
can access servlet init parameters using ServletConfig object.
GenericServlet is protocol independent
implementation of Servlet interface whereas HttpServlet is HTTP protocol
specific implementation. Most of the times we use servlet for creating web
application and that’s why we extend HttpServlet class. HttpServlet class
extends GenericServlet and also provide some other methods specific to HTTP
When we want to invoke another servlet from a
servlet service methods, we use inter-servlet communication mechanisms. We can
invoke another servlet using RequestDispatcher forward() and include() methods
and provide additional attributes in request for other servlet use.
HttpServlet init() method and destroy() method are
called only once in servlet life cycle, so we don’t need to worry about their
synchronization. But service methods such as doGet() or doPost() are getting
called in every client request and since servlet uses multithreading, we should
provide thread safety in these methods.
If there are any local variables in service
methods, we don’t need to worry about their thread safety because they are
specific to each thread but if we have a shared resource then we can use
synchronization to achieve thread safety in servlets when working with shared
The thread safety mechanisms are similar to thread
safety in standalone java application.
Servlet attributes are used for inter-servlet
communication, we can set, get and remove attributes in web application. There
are three scopes for servlet attributes – request scope, session scope and
application scope.
ServletRequest, HttpSession and ServletContext
interfaces provide methods to get/set/remove attributes from request, session
and application scope respectively.
Servlet attributes are different from init
parameters defined in web.xml for ServletConfig or ServletContext.
We can use RequestDispatcher forward() method to
forward the processing of a request to another servlet. If we want to include
the another servlet output to the response, we can use RequestDispatcher
include() method.
We can’t use RequestDispatcher to invoke servlet
from another application because it’s specific for the application. If we have
to forward the request to a resource in another application, we can use
ServletResponse sendRedirect() method and provide complete URL of another
servlet. This sends the response to client with response code as 302 to forward
the request to another URL. If we have to send some data also, we can use
cookies that will be part of the servlet response and sent in the request to
another servlet.
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